Sunday 24 August 2014


what if  the person who gave the best things he could for you, who always be patient, and you thought he's the only one who knows the real you inside and out -and that's fine-, even when you hurt him and left, that man still asked you to stay and keep waiting for you? isn't that hurt your feeling as a human?

Welcome back, the zone.

For a long time, I didn't wrote anything..

But I'm still stuck in the same hell. The place where I feel so guilty for not being able to reply your love.

Friday 9 May 2014

you. him again.

Dear Mz,
I think a lot, about us. Today we went to a store. On the way, I didn't stop staring at you. Too many things running through my mind, it's difficult to handle it. You know what? I didn't know why I'm being like this, addicted to you. Every time I see that smile, I forget how sick I was, how I had missed him for sure as hell. You are no more perfect than him, I don't even know that you'll be able to love me better than him. But I knew, I'm sincere to you, I feel I'm standing in the place where I'm no longer require love in return for loving you.
I love that smile, dear. xoxo

Dear Jp.
I'm very grateful to you. You taught me many things. You made me understand how sincerity between us, patience, loyalty, sacrifice. You taught me to survive for everything he did right, and not to leave because of a mistake that he did. You taught me what it is to forgive. Thank you for your sincerity that I couldn't give in return. I always wish the best for you and your new lover.

Friday 4 April 2014


I don't know how, I just feel complicated today.

One thing that I feel I need him now. I need to hear he says to me ' everything will be fine ' even though I always push and break him every time he said something like that, because I know the beginning is the hardest(on the other side, I know everything will be fine in the end. If it's not, it's not the end) but then he still sticks to me and hold me and then said " it's okay. push me. I'll stand by you and through it with you. "

you know what? I love him. love him very much. but I realize sometimes I forgot it.